Practice Directions for Family Proceedings
Important -- New practice directions came into effect on February 1, 2024. The links can be found under the Latest News tab on this website.
Here is a link to the Middlesex Law Association website, which lists all local practice directions including those relating to family law:
Local Court Information | Middlesex Law Association (
Here is a link to the Superior Court of Justice website, which contains practice directions that apply to all family court proceedings in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice:
Final Orders
On December 6, 2022, the MFLA received the following comments from the Bench:
Form 35.1/35.1A
When requesting final orders with respect to parenting, please ensure that you submit an updated 35.1 with your basket motion. Please also submit a 35.1A. Do not rely on checking the box that indicates whether the parties have had involvement with a child protection agency. If there has been no agency involvement, indicate that on the 35.1A.
The forms 35.1 and 35.1A must be recent and should be submitted as a package with the other documents that you are relying on for your final order.
Varying Final Orders
If your Order varies a previous Order, submit the existing Order as part of your package for the Judge to review.
Draft Orders
When submitting draft Orders, please ensure that the correct legislation is included. If there is legislation that is not applicable to your matter, please delete those paragraphs rather than striking them out.